Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Up To and Including Her Limits

Up To and Including Her Limits (1973-1976)
Carolee Schneemann

Currently staged in the "On Line: Drawing Through the Twentieth Century" at the MoMA, Carolee Schneemann's multimedia piece Up To and Including Her Limits (1973-1976) was one of the most intriguing and strange in the exhibit. Schneemann's piece includes a paper-covered corner in which she restrained herself to a hanging harness and drew drawings from where she could reach. With previously recorded footage from her live performance over 30 years ago, Up To and Including Her Limits recalls artist Matthew Barney's Drawing Restraint series, in which he too restrains himself with a harness to different places and draws on what he can reach.

Up To and Including Her Limits (1973-1976)
Carolee Schneemann

Drawing Restraint 5 (1989)
Matthew Barney

For more information about Carolee Schneemann:

For more information about Matthew Barney:

Lee Walton Inspired Line Drawings

Each line drawing was completed in a time limit of 2-5 minutes, on an apartment stoop on MacDougal Street. The guidelines for all of the drawings were the following:

squiggle = a person smoking
rectangle = two people kissing
loop = a person turning around
line = a person walking across the street
triangle = a car honking